Our proprietary combination of PCMs, polymers, and adhesive technology create industry leading temperature regulation performance.
New Products & Innovations
Multiple products to choose from to expand your offerings, innovations to further temperature regulation performance, and new KulKote products!
Technology That Works
Not Just Marketing Hype. KulKote simply works. The so called cooling foams and other cooling products are just marketing hype. KulKote brings added value to your products.
Low Startup Investment
Regardless of the size and volume of your company. Simply invest in a 20kg box (44 lbs.) and get on your way to delivering added value and performance to your products.
Independence & Control
KulKote can be added to any of your products to meet a specific need and performance. Apply lower quantities for entry level products, higher quantities for more luxury items. You are in full control, giving you flexibility.
Partner Program
KulKote certified partners receive access to our convenient online resource library and our dedicated design team to help assist you in selling your products. We have a library of ad designs, marketing materials, point-of-purchase displays, and more.