What is KulKote?

Temperature Regulating Technology

kulkote design

Temperature Regulation

KulKote works by using multiple Phase Change Materials (PCMs) that activate at a variety of temperatures and water-based polymers that have temperature regulating characteristics.
kulkote technology

Technology That Works, Not Just Marketing Hype

KulKote simply works. The so called cooling foams and other cooling products are just marketing hype.
kulkote tag

Value Adding

Be competitive, reduce R&D costs, limit design changes, and return value to your customers.
kulkote layer

Low Startup Investment

Regardless of the size and volume of your company. Simply invest in a 20kg box and get on your way to delivering added performance to your products.
kulkote guidelines

Independent of Foam or Fabric Type

KulKote can be applied to meet the specific needs of your product construction. You are in control!

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